Intelligent Men Are More Likely to Marry and Stay Married





evolutionary [,ivə'luʃənɛri]

adj 进化的;发展的

enhance [ɪn'hæns]

v 提高;加强

industrious [ɪn'dʌstrɪəs]

adj 勤勉的

prospect ['prɑspɛkt]

n 前景;预期

proxy ['prɑksi]

n 代理人;代用品

conscript [kən'skrɪpt]

v 征召

likelihood ['laɪklɪhʊd]

n 可能性

component [kəm'ponənt]

n 成分;组件

courtship ['kɔːtʃɪp]

n 求爱

outwit [,aʊt'wɪt]

v 智胜;欺骗



(Tips: 双击文中单词可以查释义并加入你的生词本哦)

[4] Is intelligence an important driver of relationship success, or simply a proxy for wealth?

[5] Jaakko Aspara led a team of researchers from Finland and the US to find out. He made use of Finland’s famously detailed national statistics, linking IQ data collected by the Finnish armed forces (into which all young men are conscripted), with data from the National Population Register Center and the Finnish Tax Authority. The result: a dataset including the IQ, marital status, and income of almost 190,000 men.

[6] Aspara found that men were more likely to be married (and to still be married four years later) if they were higher in intelligence, confirming the results of earlier studies.

[7] This was true even when Aspara controlled mathematically for the influence of a man’s income on his marriage prospects. A man’s wealth had an important effect on his likelihood of marrying. In fact, wealth was more influential than intelligence. But, an intelligent man was still more likely to have married and to have stayed married, regardless of his wealth.

[8] In further analyses, Aspara split the IQ scores into three components: verbal, logical, and numeric. Verbal intelligence was by far the most important form of intelligence when it came to getting married. Arithmetical skill had no effect at all. This makes sense given that verbal skills are the most easily observable form of intelligence during courtship. So, a man with a quick wit may well be seen as a catch.

[9] Other possible explanations for Aspara’s findings are that verbally fluent men are more able to persuade a woman to enter into a relationship, or that they are better able to outwit their male rivals.

  • Driver 驱动
  • Proxy 代理人;替代品
  • Conscript 征召入伍
  • Marital status 婚姻状况
  • Mathematically 算数地;数学上地
  • Likelihood 可能性
  • Analyses 分析(analysis的复数形式)
  • Component 组成部分
  • Numeric 数字的;数值的
  • Arithmetical 算数上的
  • Courtship 求爱;求偶
  • Outwit 智胜;骗过
  • Rival 竞争;竞争者


In other words, smart people may find it easier to attract partners, keep their relationships stable, and have kids.
Find it + adj + to do sth  翻译:发现to do sth 是adj的
在这个句型当中,it是形式宾语不需要翻译,find 的真实宾语是to do不定式,发现吸引伴侣是更简单的。注意,在这个地方,只有find it + adj + to do sth,没有find it + adj + doing sth的用法,这一点要引起同学的注意。

Finally, we find it impossible to finish the work within half an hour.
In other words,换句话说;to attract partners, keep their relationships stable, and have kids. 三处宾语的并列,后两个的不定式的to是可以省去的。并且大家要注意到,除了最后一处的并列用到and,之前的并列就只需要逗号就好了。






(Tips: 双击文中单词可以查释义并加入你的生词本哦)

Intelligent Men Are More Likely to Marry and Stay Married

[1] It pays to be smart. Many of the highest earning professions, such as medicine and law, are open only to those with the fiercest intellects. But does intelligence have positive effects on other aspects of our lives? Are smarter people luckier in love?

[2] Some evolutionary psychologists have theorized that humans’ big brains may partly have evolved through a process called “sexual selection”. In other words, smart people may find it easier to attract partners, keep their relationships stable, and have kids. Over time, the genes that code for intelligence would spread through the population, enhancing our species’ brain power.

[3] There is evidence that more intelligent men are more likely to be married. However, this isn’t very strong evidence for the psychologists’ theory because, as we know, intelligent people tend to be higher earners. Perhaps intelligent men marry in greater numbers not because they are smarter but because they have greater access to resources. After all, we have known for some time now that, compared to men, women value a partner who is ambitious, industrious, and has good financial prospects.

  • Intellect 智力;理解力;知识分子
  • Intelligence 智力;智慧;情报
  • Evolutionary 进化的;发展的
  • Evolve 发展;进化
  • Enhance 加强
  • Ambitious 野心勃勃的;有雄心的
  • Industrious 勤勉的
  • Prospect 前途;预期

[4] Is intelligence an important driver of relationship success, or simply a proxy for wealth?

[5] Jaakko Aspara led a team of researchers from Finland and the US to find out. He made use of Finland’s famously detailed national statistics, linking IQ data collected by the Finnish armed forces (into which all young men are conscripted), with data from the National Population Register Center and the Finnish Tax Authority. The result: a dataset including the IQ, marital status, and income of almost 190,000 men.

[6] Aspara found that men were more likely to be married (and to still be married four years later) if they were higher in intelligence, confirming the results of earlier studies.

[7] This was true even when Aspara controlled mathematically for the influence of a man’s income on his marriage prospects. A man’s wealth had an important effect on his likelihood of marrying. In fact, wealth was more influential than intelligence. But, an intelligent man was still more likely to have married and to have stayed married, regardless of his wealth.

[8] In further analyses, Aspara split the IQ scores into three components: verbal, logical, and numeric. Verbal intelligence was by far the most important form of intelligence when it came to getting married. Arithmetical skill had no effect at all. This makes sense given that verbal skills are the most easily observable form of intelligence during courtship. So, a man with a quick wit may well be seen as a catch.

[9] Other possible explanations for Aspara’s findings are that verbally fluent men are more able to persuade a woman to enter into a relationship, or that they are better able to outwit their male rivals.

  • Driver 驱动
  • Proxy 代理人;替代品
  • Conscript 征召入伍
  • Marital status 婚姻状况
  • Mathematically 算数地;数学上地
  • Likelihood 可能性
  • Analyses 分析(analysis的复数形式)
  • Component 组成部分
  • Numeric 数字的;数值的
  • Arithmetical 算数上的
  • Courtship 求爱;求偶
  • Outwit 智胜;骗过
  • Rival 竞争;竞争者

evolutionary [,ivə'luʃənɛri]

adj 进化的;发展的

enhance [ɪn'hæns]

v 提高;加强

industrious [ɪn'dʌstrɪəs]

adj 勤勉的

prospect ['prɑspɛkt]

n 前景;预期

proxy ['prɑksi]

n 代理人;代用品

conscript [kən'skrɪpt]

v 征召

likelihood ['laɪklɪhʊd]

n 可能性

component [kəm'ponənt]

n 成分;组件

courtship ['kɔːtʃɪp]

n 求爱

outwit [,aʊt'wɪt]

v 智胜;欺骗




Intelligent Men Are More Likely to Marry and Stay Married

[1] It pays to be smart. Many of the highest earning professions, such as medicine and law, are open only to those with the fiercest intellects. But does intelligence have positive effects on other aspects of our lives? Are smarter people luckier in love?

[2] Some evolutionary psychologists have theorized that humans’ big brains may partly have evolved through a process called “sexual selection”. In other words, smart people may find it easier to attract partners, keep their relationships stable, and have kids. Over time, the genes that code for intelligence would spread through the population, enhancing our species’ brain power.

[3] There is evidence that more intelligent men are more likely to be married. However, this isn’t very strong evidence for the psychologists’ theory because, as we know, intelligent people tend to be higher earners. Perhaps intelligent men marry in greater numbers not because they are smarter but because they have greater access to resources? After all, we have known for some time now that, compared to men, women value a partner who is ambitious, industrious, and has good financial prospects.

[4] Is intelligence an important driver of relationship success, or simply a proxy for wealth?

[5] Jaakko Aspara led a team of researchers from Finland and the US to find out. He made use of Finland’s famously detailed national statistics, linking IQ data collected by the Finnish armed forces (into which all young men are conscripted), with data from the National Population Register Center and the Finnish Tax Authority. The result: a dataset including the IQ, marital status, and income of almost 190,000 men.

[6] Aspara found that men were more likely to be married (and to still be married four years later) if they were higher in intelligence, confirming the results of earlier studies.

[7] This was true even when Aspara controlled mathematically for the influence of a man’s income on his marriage prospects. A man’s wealth had an important effect on his likelihood of marrying. In fact, wealth was more influential than intelligence. But, an intelligent man was still more likely to have married and to have stayed married, regardless of his wealth.

[8] In further analyses, Aspara split the IQ scores into three components: verbal, logical, and numeric. Verbal intelligence was by far the most important form of intelligence when it came to getting married. Arithmetical skill had no effect at all. This makes sense given that verbal skills are the most easily observable form of intelligence during courtship. So, a man with a quick wit may well be seen as a catch.

[9] Other possible explanations for Aspara’s findings are that verbally fluent men are more able to persuade a woman to enter into a relationship, or that they are better able to outwit their male rivals.
