Graveyards in Pakistan - Hold your hearses


文章一开始先描述了一个现代化的墓地,现代化何以体现。这里有freezers imported from Germany,还有22个video cameras,为了避免参加葬礼的人们感到燥热,墓地还设有风扇。
而一些开发商为了吸引更多的客户,搞出了各种幺蛾子。比如供参加葬礼的老年人做的高尔夫车,但也并不实用,因为对于日渐增长的城市人口,需要的是更多的地方。再比如:他们承诺会给生者留一个紧邻死者的位置,这样space for corpses的位置就更少了。
文章后面指出,这些外在的花哨的东西能spark a trend for VIP burial that makes death as unequal as life,死了竟然比生者金贵。最后一个老农说,你们都想错了,我来告诉你们吧。政府之所以搞这些,主要是为了分散劳动力,这样市中心的人就少了。



graveyard ['ɡreɪv.jɑrd]


deceased [dɪ'sist]


arched [ɑrtʃt]


populous ['pɑpjələs]


gravedigger ['ɡreɪv.dɪɡər]


replicate ['replɪ.keɪt]


swanky ['swæŋki]


fret [frɛt]


earthen ['ɜrθən]


abut [ə'bʌt]

v.毗连;连接;贴近;靠紧; n.支座;枢轴;接合端

reckon ['rekən]




(Tips: 双击文中单词可以查释义并加入你的生词本哦)

[2] The state-owned “model graveyard”, with its wide footpaths and neatly trimmed lawns, will serve the 11m-strong population of Lahore, the capital of Pakistan’s richest and most populous province. Three more are under construction in the region. Across Pakistan burial grounds have struggled to cope with an urban population that has risen from 28% of the total in 1981to 41% now (unsurprisingly land is scarce in cities). Burials have been banned in the overflowing public graveyards of the largest city, Karachi. There have been reports of policemen hiding in coffins to catch gravediggers who are overcharging for burial plots.

  • gravedigger  n.掘墓者
  • burial plots 风水宝地

[4] Some people fret that the new cemetery will further squeeze out space for corpses by giving relatives of the dead long-term rights to their loved ones’ plots. Historically Muslim burial grounds have managed to keep on welcoming new souls by recycling grave sites. Gravediggers in Miani Sahib, an old cemetery in the centre of Lahore, which has room for around 300,000 graves, routinely bury people in plots that go unvisited. Today, as more Pakistanis invest in headstones and concrete shrines to protect remains, gravediggers in desperation sometimes seek out old-style earthen mounds, and a few place remains on top of bodies that were laid out just a few months earlier.

  • fret  v.使烦恼
  • cemetery n.公墓
  • headstone n.墓石
  • earthen adj.泥土做的;土制的

[5] Besides failing to address the lack of space for the dead, the new facility could spark a trend for VIP burial that makes death as unequal as life, says Zaigham Khan, a columnist for The News, a newspaper. The government claims that anyone who cannot afford the $200 fee will be granted a free space. But standing in an ancient burial ground that abuts Shehr-eKhamoshan, a village elder offers a different view. He reckons the plush cemetery is part of an attempt to lure government workers to a new housing project nearby, which Lahori officials hope will help to deal with the overcrowding of live bodies in the fast-expanding city .

  • abut  v.连接;毗连;贴近;靠紧
  • reckon v.认为;想;估计;计算



Besides failing to address the lack of space for the dead, the new facility could spark a trend for VIP burial that makes death as unequal as life.
这个举手failing to address这个doing结构就要求句子的主语the new facility得是它得逻辑主语才可以正确,这里确实是其动作发出者。
While driving down the road, the family was attracted by the house.
这里也是要求the family是driving动作的发出者才可以省略成这样。






(Tips: 双击文中单词可以查释义并加入你的生词本哦)

Graveyards in Pakistan - Hold your hearses

A fancy graveyard may make death as unequal as life

  • graveyard  n.墓地

[1] DOWN a dusty side road in the province of Punjab stands Shehr-e-Khamoshan, a new graveyard with freezers imported from Germany and a network of 22 video cameras that will allow relatives of the deceased to live-stream footage of funerals at the $1.5m facility. Attend a ceremony in person and there is little risk of heat stroke: dozens of fans hang from the ceiling of an arched prayer zone that is almost entirely open to the air.

  • deceased  n.死者;已故者 adj.死去了的;已死的;亡故的
  • arched adj.拱形的;弧形的

[2] The state-owned “model graveyard”, with its wide footpaths and neatly trimmed lawns, will serve the 11m-strong population of Lahore, the capital of Pakistan’s richest and most populous province. Three more are under construction in the region. Across Pakistan burial grounds have struggled to cope with an urban population that has risen from 28% of the total in 1981to 41% now (unsurprisingly land is scarce in cities). Burials have been banned in the overflowing public graveyards of the largest city, Karachi. There have been reports of policemen hiding in coffins to catch gravediggers who are overcharging for burial plots.

  • populous adj.人口众多的;人口密集的
  • gravedigger  n.掘墓者
  • burial plots 风水宝地

[3] Lahore’s new “silent city”, as it is known, aims to lighten the burden on grieving families. The project’s director has urged other provinces to replicate his good work. But even with its swanky golf-carts for the elderly and mechanical diggers it may be less effective than it claims. When the government of Punjab bought the land, it planned to build a cemetery about 20 times the size. The facility that opened last month has space for only 8,000 graves.

  • replicate v.复制
  • swanky adj.摆阔的;时髦且豪华的

[4] Some people fret that the new cemetery will further squeeze out space for corpses by giving relatives of the dead long-term rights to their loved ones’ plots. Historically Muslim burial grounds have managed to keep on welcoming new souls by recycling grave sites. Gravediggers in Miani Sahib, an old cemetery in the centre of Lahore, which has room for around 300,000 graves, routinely bury people in plots that go unvisited. Today, as more Pakistanis invest in headstones and concrete shrines to protect remains, gravediggers in desperation sometimes seek out old-style earthen mounds, and a few place remains on top of bodies that were laid out just a few months earlier.

  • fret  v.使烦恼
  • cemetery n.公墓
  • headstone n.墓石
  • earthen adj.泥土做的;土制的

[5] Besides failing to address the lack of space for the dead, the new facility could spark a trend for VIP burial that makes death as unequal as life, says Zaigham Khan, a columnist for The News, a newspaper. The government claims that anyone who cannot afford the $200 fee will be granted a free space. But standing in an ancient burial ground that abuts Shehr-eKhamoshan, a village elder offers a different view. He reckons the plush cemetery is part of an attempt to lure government workers to a new housing project nearby, which Lahori officials hope will help to deal with the overcrowding of live bodies in the fast-expanding city .

  • abut  v.连接;毗连;贴近;靠紧
  • reckon v.认为;想;估计;计算

graveyard ['ɡreɪv.jɑrd]


deceased [dɪ'sist]


arched [ɑrtʃt]


populous ['pɑpjələs]


gravedigger ['ɡreɪv.dɪɡər]


replicate ['replɪ.keɪt]


swanky ['swæŋki]


fret [frɛt]


earthen ['ɜrθən]


abut [ə'bʌt]

v.毗连;连接;贴近;靠紧; n.支座;枢轴;接合端

reckon ['rekən]





Graveyards in Pakistan — Hold your hearses

A fancy graveyard may make death as unequal as life

[1] DOWN a dusty side road in the province of Punjab stands Shehr-e-Khamoshan, a new graveyard with freezers imported from Germany and a network of 22 video cameras that will allow relatives of the deceased to live-stream footage of funerals at the $1.5m facility. Attend a ceremony in person and there is little risk of heat stroke: dozens of fans hang from the ceiling of an arched prayer zone that is almost entirely open to the air.

[2] The state-owned “model graveyard”, with its wide footpaths and neatly trimmed lawns, will serve the 11m-strong population of Lahore, the capital of Pakistan’s richest and most populous province. Three more are under construction in the region. Across Pakistan burial grounds have struggled to cope with an urban population that has risen from 28% of the total in 1981to 41% now (unsurprisingly land is scarce in cities). Burials have been banned in the overflowing public graveyards of the largest city, Karachi. There have been reports of policemen hiding in coffins to catch gravediggers who are overcharging for burial plots.

[3] Lahore’s new “silent city”, as it is known, aims to lighten the burden on grieving families. The project’s director has urged other provinces to replicate his good work. But even with its swanky golf-carts for the elderly and mechanical diggers it may be less effective than it claims. When the government of Punjab bought the land, it planned to build a cemetery about 20 times the size. The facility that opened last month has space for only 8,000 graves.

[4] Some people fret that the new cemetery will further squeeze out space for corpses by giving relatives of the dead long-term rights to their loved ones’ plots. Historically Muslim burial grounds have managed to keep on welcoming new souls by recycling grave sites. Gravediggers in Miani Sahib, an old cemetery in the centre of Lahore, which has room for around 300,000 graves, routinely bury people in plots that go unvisited. Today, as more Pakistanis invest in headstones and concrete shrines to protect remains, gravediggers in desperation sometimes seek out old-style earthen mounds, and a few place remains on top of bodies that were laid out just a few months earlier.

[5] Besides failing to address the lack of space for the dead, the new facility could sparka trend for VIP burial that makes death as unequal as life, says Zaigham Khan, a columnist for The News, a newspaper. The government claims that anyone who cannot afford the $200 fee will be granted a free space. But standing in an ancient burial ground that abuts Shehr-eKhamoshan, a village elder offers a different view. He reckons the plush cemetery is part of an attempt to lure government workers to a new housing project nearby, which Lahori officials hope will help to deal with the overcrowding of live bodies in the fast-expanding city.
