Why my future begins with drawing (again)?


小的时候,我是个爱画画的小孩,总觉得画画才能表示我对世界的态度。画着画着,突然有一天我陷入自己的思维困境,觉得很多现实生活和我想象的其实不太一样。于是我想逃出去,看看外面是什么样子,我到了埃及,秘鲁,纽约,拉美,感受世界带来的善意和不满。我于是重新拾起画笔,在此过程中,我经历了很多思维局限,现实打击,但是我依然想说,keep going,做自己真正感兴趣的事,这个世界才会对你温柔相待。



atrophy [ˈætrəfi]

v. 萎缩

mindset [ˈmaɪndset]

n. 观念模式,思维倾向

assumption [əˈsʌmpʃən]

n. 猜想

identity [aɪˈdɛntɪti]


contamination [kənˌtæməˈneʃən]

n. 污染

concoct [kənˈkɑ:kt]

v. 捏造,策划

expose [ɪkˈspoʊz]


traverse [trəˈvɜ:rs]


deprive [dɪˈpraɪv]


launch [lɔntʃ, lɑntʃ]


generate [ˈdʒɛnəˌret]




(Tips: 双击文中单词可以查释义并加入你的生词本哦)

[1] Growing up I loved to draw. I drew pictures to express myself, filling shoeboxes with Crayola’d beasts in exotic locales. But like most young dreamers my creative expression atrophied with age.

  • express v. 表达
  • exotic adj. 外来的;奇异的
  • atrophy v.萎缩

[2] By third grade I convinced myself only professional artists drew pictures. And because my character drawings looked nothing like Doug or Rugrats, I quit. Classic fixed mindset.

  • convince v. 使…信服
  • mindset n.思维定式

[3] From age eight to 20 I did not draw. But then I dropped out of school, moved to Peru, took a lap around the world, and landed in Japan. During that multi-year journey I set fire to most assumptions about my identity and started to draw again.
Inspired by Hergé’s Tintin, Craig Thompson’s Blankets, and Christianity’s Precious Moments, I drew emotional, clear-lined pictures to express myself.

  • set fire to … 激起,燃起
  • assumption n. 猜想

[4] While crude, I kept at it and produced hundreds of new drawings. But I still did not feel like an artist. So I created Ryo Tomo — a faceless alter-ego — to share artwork on web 2.0 platforms. Over time, a small fanbase emerged.

  • emerge v.出现

[5] But the attention freaked me out so I deleted my Tumblr and ran away. Ditching pencils and sketchbooks for a single-lens reflex camera, I fled to Egypt where I spent the next two years working as a photojournalist. Aside from a few postcards sent home, drawing became a part of my past.

  • freak sb. out 使某人吃惊,不安


We shall have a picnic tomorrow, weather permitting. 明天天气好的话,我们就去野炊。
The teacher being late, we go home. 老师迟到了,我们就回家了
His mother being busy, he has to go home early to do housework. 他妈妈很忙,他得早点回家做家务。
Summer holiday coming, I am planning to how to relax myself. 暑假就要来了,我正在计划着暑假怎么玩。
There being no bus, we had to walk home. 由于没有公共汽车,我们只好走回家。
The girl staring at him, he didn't know what to say. 姑娘两眼望着他,他不知道说什么好.
The sport meeting being over, we go for a movie. 运动会结束后,我们就去看电影。
He being back, we’d better buy him a present. 他就要回去了,我们还是给他买个礼物吧。
My classmate being ill, I send him homework. 我同学生病了,我给他送家庭作业去。






(Tips: 双击文中单词可以查释义并加入你的生词本哦)

Why my future begins with drawing (again)?

[1] Growing up I loved to draw. I drew pictures to express myself, filling shoeboxes with Crayola’d beasts in exotic locales. But like most young dreamers my creative expression atrophied with age.

  • express v. 表达
  • exotic adj. 外来的;奇异的
  • atrophy v.萎缩

[2] By third grade I convinced myself only professional artists drew pictures. And because my character drawings looked nothing like Doug or Rugrats, I quit. Classic fixed mindset.

  • convince v. 使…信服
  • mindset n.思维定式

[3] From age eight to 20 I did not draw. But then I dropped out of school, moved to Peru, took a lap around the world, and landed in Japan. During that multi-year journey I set fire to most assumptions about my identity and started to draw again.
Inspired by Hergé’s Tintin, Craig Thompson’s Blankets, and Christianity’s Precious Moments, I drew emotional, clear-lined pictures to express myself.

  • set fire to … 激起,燃起
  • assumption n. 猜想

[4] While crude, I kept at it and produced hundreds of new drawings. But I still did not feel like an artist. So I created Ryo Tomo — a faceless alter-ego — to share artwork on web 2.0 platforms. Over time, a small fanbase emerged.

  • emerge v.出现

[5] But the attention freaked me out so I deleted my Tumblr and ran away. Ditching pencils and sketchbooks for a single-lens reflex camera, I fled to Egypt where I spent the next two years working as a photojournalist. Aside from a few postcards sent home, drawing became a part of my past.

  • freak sb. out 使某人吃惊,不安

[6] Some consider Cairo a gateway to the Middle East and it certainly opened doors for me. Despite extensive travel throughout East Asia and Latin America, Egypt is where I first gained an awareness of social and environmental justice.

  • consider v.考虑
  • extensive adj. 广阔的,广大的
  • awareness n. 意识

[7] Extreme poverty, food insecurity, gender inequality, water contamination, loss of biodiversity, educational neglect. I tried capturing this desperation in pictures, but it felt useless.

  • poverty n.贫穷
  • insecurity n. 不安全
  • contamination n.污染
  • biodiversity n. 生物多样性
  • neglect v. 忽略
  • capture v. 抓住
  • desperation n.绝望

[8] Lacking the knowledge or agency to make a meaningful impact, I moved back to America to complete my education. School led me to New York, but the rest of the biography does not matter. What does is my lustful, tangled up, start-stop-start-stop affair with art.

  • lustful adj. 贪得无厌的
  • tangle up 纠缠

[9] Ten years ago I rediscovered my love for drawing, and since then I have concocted many plots to abandon it for something practical. Realistic. Serious.

  • concoct v.调整,捏造

[10] But making art is serious, too. And in reviewing the past decade it is clear making art drives my personal happiness and professional achievements.

[11] Drawing helps me understand people. It led me to my first mentors, my best friends, and my fiancé (Natalie). It also took me around the world, exposing me to two unbelievable universes: media + technology.

  • expose v.暴露
  • unbelievable adj. 难以置信的

[12] I draw to think. It is how I make lists, tell stories, outline projects, and plan life goals. The genesis of the best things in life, drawing enables me to traverse permeable boundaries between things real and fantastic.

  • genesis n. 创始,起源
  • traverse v. 穿过 横穿
  • permeable adj. 可渗透的
  • boundary n. 界限

[13] During one of my many quittings, my Mom caught me dumping bucketloads of looseleaf drawings into a recycle bin. We argued about their disposal but when I was gone, she saved them.

  • bucketload v.自动安装

[14] Seeing them now in plastic binders or against cork board, I am grateful. Because they remind me who I am and of what I was capable.

[15] But if the best things in my life begin with drawing, why do I deprive myself? Because drawing is scary! And I am afraid. Every single time I put pencil to paper I still wonder if I can draw. Fixed mindset returns.

  • deprive v. 剥夺,失去,丧失

[16] But there are affirmations. Like when Natalie secretly downloaded drawings from my Instagram feed, made prints, presented them to me on my birthday, and encouraged me to sell them online.

  • affirmation n. 确认

[16] So I did. And while my drawings were not Rugrats or Tintin, people paid me real money to own them. Like I was a professional artist.

[17] That was more than a year ago. Months passed and fear crept back in. Late last winter I found myself again focusing on realities practical and serious.

[18] Now north of 30 I asked myself, what do I really want?
to Notice things
to Draw stories
to Share experiences
It really is that simple.

[19] But from experience I know goals are not enough. Every book, film, or game I want to produce in the future will die in my head unless I begin drawing now. To execute my goals, I must develop a habit-based system. Which is why I recently launched a new practice, Early Rise Daily Draw.

  • execute v.执行,完成,履行
  • launch v.开始

[20] Rather than just generating ideas and waiting for passion to strike, now I have a binary metric to illustrate whether or not I am closer to my goal.

  • Illustrate v. 阐述 阐明

[21] Today I drew and shared something I noticed (TRUE / FALSE)
With Early Rise Daily Draw, my job is to get up every morning, do just that, then struggle to sustain the streak.

  • sustain v.维持

[22] If you remember only one thing from this, it is that not all artists know they are artists. Most give up their desire of an artistic career, settling into a Thoreau-like twilight world of what-ifs and regrets.

  • what-if 假定

[23] Caught between a lust for action and a fear of failure, many would-be artists transform into anti-artists. People who want to be more creative, but believe it to be the privilege of others.

  • privilege n. 特权

[24] Anti-artists are also the product of friends, family, or colleagues who, with the best of intentions, suppress artistic desire.

[25] Prone to doubt, anti-artists are just waiting for an excuse to quit. But if this sounds like you, you must resist. Do not forfeit your birth right. Do not judge yourself for not acting sooner. Every detour is additive; every stoppage is another chance to begin again.

  • prone v.倾向于
  • forfeit v.丧失 失去
  • detour n.弯路
  • additive adj. 附加的

[26] For me that means drawing and sharing each day and being finally ready to say, I TOO AM AN ARTIST.
Whatever your art — keep going.


atrophy [ˈætrəfi]

v. 萎缩

mindset [ˈmaɪndset]

n. 观念模式,思维倾向

assumption [əˈsʌmpʃən]

n. 猜想

identity [aɪˈdɛntɪti]


contamination [kənˌtæməˈneʃən]

n. 污染

concoct [kənˈkɑ:kt]

v. 捏造,策划

expose [ɪkˈspoʊz]


traverse [trəˈvɜ:rs]


deprive [dɪˈpraɪv]


launch [lɔntʃ, lɑntʃ]


generate [ˈdʒɛnəˌret]





Why my Future Begins with Drawing (Again)

[1] Growing up I loved to draw. I drew pictures to express myself, filling shoeboxes with Crayola’d beasts in exotic locales. But like most young dreamers my creative expression atrophied with age.

[2] By third grade I convinced myself only professional artists drew pictures. And because my character drawings looked nothing like Doug or Rugrats, I quit. Classic fixed mindset.

[3] From age eight to 20 I did not draw. But then I dropped out of school, moved to Peru, took a lap around the world, and landed in Japan. During that multi-year journey I set fire to most assumptions about my identity and started to draw again.
Inspired by Hergé’s Tintin, Craig Thompson’s Blankets, and Christianity’s Precious Moments, I drew emotional, clear-lined pictures to express myself.

[4] While crude, I kept at it and produced hundreds of new drawings. But I still did not feel like an artist. So I created Ryo Tomo — a faceless alter-ego — to share artwork on web 2.0 platforms. Over time, a small fanbase emerged.

[5] But the attention freaked me out so I deleted my Tumblr and ran away. Ditching pencils and sketchbooks for a single-lens reflex camera, I fled to Egypt where I spent the next two years working as a photojournalist. Aside from a few postcards sent home, drawing became a part of my past.

[6] Some consider Cairo a gateway to the Middle East and it certainly opened doors for me. Despite extensive travel throughout East Asia and Latin America, Egypt is where I first gained an awareness of social and environmental justice.
[7] Extreme poverty, food insecurity, gender inequality, water contamination, loss of biodiversity, educational neglect. I tried capturing this desperation in pictures, but it felt useless.

[8] Lacking the knowledge or agency to make a meaningful impact, I moved back to America to complete my education. School led me to New York, but the rest of the biography does not matter. What does is my lustful, tangled up, start-stop-start-stop affair with art.

[9] Ten years ago I rediscovered my love for drawing, and since then I have concocted many plots to abandon it for something practical. Realistic. Serious.

[10] But making art is serious, too. And in reviewing the past decade it is clear making art drives my personal happiness and professional achievements.

[11] Drawing helps me understand people. It led me to my first mentors, my best friends, and my fiancé (Natalie). It also took me around the world, exposing me to two unbelievable universes: media + technology.

[12] I draw to think. It is how I make lists, tell stories, outline projects, and plan life goals. The genesis of the best things in life, drawing enables me to traverse permeable boundaries between things real and fantastic.

[13] During one of my many quittings, my Mom caught me dumping bucketloads of looseleaf drawings into a recycle bin. We argued about their disposal but when I was gone, she saved them.

[14] Seeing them now in plastic binders or against cork board, I am grateful. Because they remind me who I am and of what I was capable.

[15] But if the best things in my life begin with drawing, why do I deprive myself? Because drawing is scary! And I am afraid. Every single time I put pencil to paper I still wonder if I can draw. Fixed mindset returns.

[16] But there are affirmations. Like when Natalie secretly downloaded drawings from my Instagram feed, made prints, presented them to me on my birthday, and encouraged me to sell them online.

[16] So I did. And while my drawings were not Rugrats or Tintin, people paid me real money to own them. Like I was a professional artist.

[17] That was more than a year ago. Months passed and fear crept back in. Late last winter I found myself again focusing on realities practical and serious.

[18] Now north of 30 I asked myself, what do I really want?
to Notice things
to Draw stories
to Share experiences
It really is that simple.

[19] But from experience I know goals are not enough. Every book, film, or game I want to produce in the future will die in my head unless I begin drawing now. To execute my goals, I must develop a habit-based system. Which is why I recently launched a new practice, Early Rise Daily Draw.

[20] Rather than just generating ideas and waiting for passion to strike, now I have a binary metric to illustrate whether or not I am closer to my goal.

[21] Today I drew and shared something I noticed (TRUE / FALSE)
With Early Rise Daily Draw, my job is to get up every morning, do just that, then struggle to sustain the streak.

[22] If you remember only one thing from this, it is that not all artists know they are artists. Most give up their desire of an artistic career, settling into a Thoreau-like twilight world of what-ifs and regrets.

[23] Caught between a lust for action and a fear of failure, many would-be artists transform into anti-artists. People who want to be more creative, but believe it to be the privilege of others.

[24] Anti-artists are also the product of friends, family, or colleagues who, with the best of intentions, suppress artistic desire.

[25] Prone to doubt, anti-artists are just waiting for an excuse to quit. But if this sounds like you, you must resist. Do not forfeit your birth right. Do not judge yourself for not acting sooner. Every detour is additive; every stoppage is another chance to begin again.

[26] For me that means drawing and sharing each day and being finally ready to say, I TOO AM AN ARTIST.
Whatever your art — keep going.
