Burning Man attendee dies after running into flames


一年一度的狂欢节“Burning Man”于9月4日落下帷幕,有超过7万人参加了这个时代里最wild的狂欢节——在内华达州的黑岩沙漠举行的Burning Man。狂欢节的主旨是“来无影/去无踪(leave no trace)”,所有的参与者在荒无人烟的沙漠里迅速建立起来一个城市,然而一周之后,又消失的无影无踪。

本文只是选择了众多狂欢节中的事故中的一个来进行新闻报道。Ethan在准备课程时还看到了有attendees在自己搭的帐篷里正睡觉呢,就被一辆70年代的诡异“战车”(请大家自行脑补Mad Max电影中的画面)给压死了。新闻本身并不难,读起来也比较上口,建议大家可以作为这个周末集中攻克的一片朗读新闻,记得听随文录音。

本次课程的读要内容将会放在语音(偏向美式口音)的讲解学习上,我会在课堂上我们简单讲解文章内容和背景,接下来,重点学习10个易错元音音标和10个易错辅音音标,即单个音素阶段的集中(intensive)学习,本月之后的三节课,将会重点提到voice quality(用声), syllable stress(节奏重音) and intonation(语调).




notify ['notə'fai]

vt. 通知;公布

massive ['mæsɪv]

adj. 巨大的,厚重的

sheriff ['ʃɛrɪf]

n. 县治安官

trauma [ˈtrɑː.mə]

n. 创伤

culminate ['kʌlmɪnet]

v. 到达高潮;使结束

toxicology [,tɑksɪ'kɑlədʒi]

n. 毒理学

effigy ['ɛfɪdʒi]

n. 雕像,肖像

affect [ə'fɛkt]

v. 影响

towering ['taʊərɪŋ]

adj. 高耸的

pending ['pɛndɪŋ]

adj. 未决定的;将发生的



(Tips: 双击文中单词可以查释义并加入你的生词本哦)

[4] He was pronounced dead at the hospital on Sunday morning, and his family has been notified, the sheriff's office said.

[5] According to medical staff, Mitchell was not under the influence of alcohol and a toxicology screening is pending, the sheriff's office said. An investigation continues.

[6] The Burning Man organization canceled scheduled burns through noon Sunday but said it will proceed with the scheduled Temple burn at 8 p.m. Sunday.

[7] Emotional support teams have been made available to participants and staff, the event's organizers said on the festival website.

[8] "We're aware this incident has affected not only those who responded immediately on the scene, but also those who witnessed it, and our Black Rock City community more broadly.

  • Pronounce 宣布
  • Notify 告知
  • Under the influence of 在···的影响下
  • Toxicology 毒物
  • Pending 悬而未决的
  • Schedule 安排,计划
  • Participant 参与者
  • Affect 影响



Affect: 句子当中作主语通常是物而不是人,指一物对另一物产生的消极影响。
Your attitude will affect how successful you are. 你的态度会影响你成功的程度。
The tax increases have affected us all. 加税已经影响了我们所有的人。
The dampness began to affect my health. 潮气开始影响我的健康。

The weather influences crops. 天气影响农作物。
It's all too easy to be influenced by our parents. 我们容易受父母的影响。
The labor enthusiasm of the workers strongly influenced us. 工人们的劳动热情强烈地感染了我们。






(Tips: 双击文中单词可以查释义并加入你的生词本哦)

Burning Man attendee dies after running into flames

[1] A man has died after running into the towering blaze for which Burning Man is named, according to the Pershing County Sheriff's Office in Nevada.

[2] Aaron Joel Mitchell, 41, was one of thousands at the annual gathering in Nevada's Black Rock Desert, about 120 miles north of Reno. The weeklong event of pop-up installations culminates in massive burns of an effigy known as the "Man" on Saturday and the "Temple" on Sunday.

[3] On Saturday night, Mitchell broke through two levels of security guards protecting the area where the "Man" was burning. Fire personnel rescued him and he was airlifted to the nearest burn center at UC Davis Medical Center in Sacramento, California.

[4] He was pronounced dead at the hospital on Sunday morning, and his family has been notified, the sheriff's office said.

[5] According to medical staff, Mitchell was not under the influence of alcohol and a toxicology screening is pending, the sheriff's office said. An investigation continues.

[6] The Burning Man organization canceled scheduled burns through noon Sunday but said it will proceed with the scheduled Temple burn at 8 p.m. Sunday.

[7] Emotional support teams have been made available to participants and staff, the event's organizers said on the festival website.

[8] "We're aware this incident has affected not only those who responded immediately on the scene, but also those who witnessed it, and our Black Rock City community more broadly.

[9] We are working to make resources available to those affected," the group said on its website.

[10] "Now is a time for closeness, contact and community. Trauma needs processing. Promote calls, hugs, self-care, check-ins, and sleep."

  • Towering 高耸的
  • Sheriff 县治安官
  • Annual 年度的
  • Pop-up 弹起的
  • Culminate 到达高潮;以什么为结果
  • Massive 巨大的
  • Effigy 雕像,肖像
  • Personnel 人事部门,全体人员
  • Pronounce 宣布
  • Notify 告知
  • Under the influence of 在···的影响下
  • Toxicology 毒物
  • Pending 悬而未决的
  • Schedule 安排,计划
  • Participant 参与者
  • Affect 影响
  • Trauma 创伤

notify ['notə'fai]

vt. 通知;公布

massive ['mæsɪv]

adj. 巨大的,厚重的

sheriff ['ʃɛrɪf]

n. 县治安官

trauma [ˈtrɑː.mə]

n. 创伤

culminate ['kʌlmɪnet]

v. 到达高潮;使结束

toxicology [,tɑksɪ'kɑlədʒi]

n. 毒理学

effigy ['ɛfɪdʒi]

n. 雕像,肖像

affect [ə'fɛkt]

v. 影响

towering ['taʊərɪŋ]

adj. 高耸的

pending ['pɛndɪŋ]

adj. 未决定的;将发生的




Burning Man attendee dies after running into flames

[1] A man has died after running into the towering blaze for which Burning Man is named, according to the Pershing County Sheriff's Office in Nevada.

[2] Aaron Joel Mitchell, 41, was one of thousands at the annual gathering in Nevada's Black Rock Desert, about 120 miles north of Reno. The weeklong event of pop-up installations culminates in massive burns of an effigy known as the "Man" on Saturday and the "Temple" on Sunday.

[3] On Saturday night, Mitchell broke through two levels of security guards protecting the area where the "Man" was burning. Fire personnel rescued him and he was airlifted to the nearest burn center at UC Davis Medical Center in Sacramento, California.

[4] He was pronounced dead at the hospital on Sunday morning, and his family has been notified, the sheriff's office said.

[5] According to medical staff, Mitchell was not under the influence of alcohol and a toxicology screening is pending, the sheriff's office said. An investigation continues.

[6] The Burning Man organization canceled scheduled burns through noon Sunday but said it will proceed with the scheduled Temple burn at 8 p.m. Sunday.

[7] Emotional support teams have been made available to participants and staff, the event's organizers said on the festival website.

[8] "We're aware this incident has affected not only those who responded immediately on the scene, but also those who witnessed it, and our Black Rock City community more broadly.

[9] We are working to make resources available to those affected," the group said on its website.

[10] "Now is a time for closeness, contact and community. Trauma needs processing. Promote calls, hugs, self-care, check-ins, and sleep."
