How To Be Patient




  • 回忆中自我觉察。静下来想想上次不耐烦是什么时候?
  • 问寻身边家人、朋友或者同事。他们可能知道让你曾感到焦躁的情境。
  • 关注自身的身体状况。有些人焦躁、不耐烦是因为身体原因,比如饿了、渴了或者过度疲劳等。对此最有效的方法是来一点零食,或者一杯水就行了。
  • 记录曾让自己感到不耐烦的情况。分析当时的情境以及原因,以便自我疏导。


  • 慢速深呼吸,从一数到十。这样做可以有效降低心率,而且使你暂时脱离感到焦躁的情境。
  • 有意识的放松身体。焦躁会使你的肌肉不自觉的紧张。所以,慢速深呼吸,然后放松全身的肌肉。
  • 学会控制情绪。在任何情境下,决定当下的反应的都是你自己,所以耐心对待或者不耐烦,都是你的选择。
  • 放慢速度。放慢你说话和行动的速度。不仅会让别人觉得你看起来很冷静,而且行为也会反作用于思想,从而让你真正感到镇静。
  • 练习主动倾听以及同理倾听。确保耐心倾听与你谈话的对象,并针对他们所说的话给予相应回复。
  • 以成果为导向,逆向思考。不耐烦通常不会有积极效果,表达愤怒不会让让对方行动更快,反之可能会降低其完成复杂或高技能工作的能力。
  • 自我疏导。尝试说服自己走出焦躁的心境,提醒自己现在的反应其实很不明智。
  • 因生气而焦躁,应暂缓沟通。首先深呼吸镇静,然后寻找合适机会理性沟通。
  • 拒绝完美主义。有一些人不耐烦是因为他们是完美主义者,但完美主义不仅会导致焦躁的情绪,还会降低效率并增加压力。



compile /kəm'paɪl/

vt. 收集; 编辑, 编制

tense /tens/

adj. 拉紧的;紧张的/ vt. 使拉紧;变得紧张

yell /jel/

n. 叫喊, 号叫

raise /reɪz/

vt. 举起; 增加; 提升

damage /'dæmɪdʒ/

vt. & vi. 损害, 毁坏

arrogant /'ærəg(ə)nt/

adj. 自大的,傲慢的

insensitive /ɪn'sensɪtɪv/

adj. 感觉迟钝的;不友好的

impulsive /ɪm'pʌlsɪv/

adj. (指人或人的行为)冲动的,易冲动的

bad temper 


persist /pə'sɪst/

vt. 坚持



(Tips: 双击文中单词可以查释义并加入你的生词本哦)

[1] Here's the problem: you're waiting for someone to finish compiling a report that you need for a meeting. Because of an issue that came up, you're already 15 minutes late.

  • compile vt. 收集; 编辑, 编制

[2] You can feel your body getting tense, and you're getting quite cross. You start sweating, and suddenly you yell at the person for being slow and putting you behind schedule. You can tell she's hurt, but you can't help it. She's making you late!

  • tense adj. 拉紧的;紧张的/ vt. 使拉紧;变得紧张
  • yell n. 叫喊, 号叫

[3] Does this sound familiar? Many of us are impatient at times. Losing contrul of our patience hurts not only us, but those around us. Impatience raises our stress level and can even cause physical harm to our bodies. Being impatient can also damage relationships.

  • raise vt. 举起; 增加; 提升
  • damage vt. & vi. 损害, 毁坏

[5] Others often see impatient people as arrogant, insensitive, and impulsive. They can be viewed as poor decision makers, because they make quick judgments or interrupt people. Some people will even avoid impatient people, because of their poor people skills and bad tempers.

  • arrogant adj. 自大的,傲慢的
  • insensitive adj. 感觉迟钝的;不友好的
  • impulsive adj.  (指人或人的行为)冲动的,易冲动的
  • bad temper 暴脾气

[23] Remember that, although many people are naturally patient, the rest of us need to practice patience for it to become a habit. Becoming more patient won't happen overnight, but do persist – it's so important!

  • persist vt. 坚持



[3] Does this sound familiar? Many of us are impatient at times. Losing control of our patience hurts not only us, but those around us. Impatience raises our stress level and can even cause physical harm to our bodies. Being impatient can also damage relationships


1.Using English everyday makes all the difference in the world.
(动名词短语using English everyday,谓语动词用单数的makes。)

2.Getting mad at others means other people are taking control of my emotions.

3.Using the mass media to point the finger at China will not help encourage international cooperation.







(Tips: 双击文中单词可以查释义并加入你的生词本哦)

[1] Here's the problem: you're waiting for someone to finish compiling a report that you need for a meeting. Because of an issue that came up, you're already 15 minutes late.

  • compile vt. 收集; 编辑, 编制

[2] You can feel your body getting tense, and you're getting quite cross. You start sweating, and suddenly you yell at the person for being slow and putting you behind schedule. You can tell she's hurt, but you can't help it. She's making you late!

  • tense adj. 拉紧的;紧张的/ vt. 使拉紧;变得紧张
  • yell n. 叫喊, 号叫

[3] Does this sound familiar? Many of us are impatient at times. Losing control of our patience hurts not only us, but those around us. Impatience raises our stress level and can even cause physical harm to our bodies. Being impatient can also damage relationships.

  • raise vt. 举起; 增加; 提升
  • damagevt. & vi. 损害, 毁坏

[4] In this article, we'll examine strategies that you can use to be more patient.

  • strategy n. 战略, 策略

Why Practice Patience?

[5] Others often see impatient people as arrogant, insensitive, and impulsive. They can be viewed as poor decision makers, because they make quick judgments or interrupt people. Some people will even avoid impatient people, because of their poor people skills and bad tempers.

  • arrogant adj. 自大的,傲慢的
  • insensitive adj. 感觉迟钝的;不友好的
  • impulsive adj.  (指人或人的行为)冲动的,易冲动的
  • bad temper 暴脾气

[6] People with these personality traits are unlikely to be at the top of the list for promotions to leadership positions. Impatience can even affect relationships at home.

  • personality traits 性格特点

[7] The more patient you are with others, the likelier you are to be viewed positively by your peers and your managers, not to mention your family and friends.

  • peers n. 平辈,同事

Signs of Impatience

[8] How do you know when you're being impatient? You will probably experience one of more of the following symptoms:

  • Shallow breathing (short breaths).
  • Muscle tension.
  • Hand clenching/tightening.
  • Jiggling/restless feet.
  • Irritability/anger.
  • Anxiety/nervousness.
  • Rushing.
  • Snap/quick decisions.

Finding Your Causes
[9] If you experience the symptoms of impatience, your next step is to discover the true cause. Many of us have "triggers." These could be people, phrases, or specific situations (like rush-hour traffic) that regularly cause us to enter an impatient frame of mind.

  • triggers n. 触发器;触发物

[10] Make a list of things that cause you to become impatient. If you're having trouble identifying your triggers, use these tips:

  • Stop and think about the last time you were impatient. What caused it? You can narrow this down to the root cause by using the 5 Whys technique.
  • Ask your family, friends, and co-workers about your impatience. Chances are that they know what gets you "wound up".
  • Many people become impatient due to physical factors such as hunger, dehydration, or fatigue. Analyze your body the next time you start to feel impatient. A simple remedy might be a snack and a glass of water!
  • Keep a journal with you to record when you start to feel impatient. Write down what the situation is, and why you're getting frustrated.
  • narrow down限制;缩小;减少;变窄
  • wound up 紧张不安
  • remedy n. 治疗法,解决方法

[11] Identifying your triggers helps because it forces you to examine your actions and uncover why you're doing what you're doing. This knowledge also helps you devise strategies to avoid becoming impatient.

  • devisevt. 想出; 计划

[12] Of course, it would be great if you could avoid the triggers that make you impatient. But for most of us, that's just not possible. So you have to learn to manage impatience instead.

Managing the Symptoms

[13] When you feel impatient, it's important to get out of this frame of mind as quickly as possible. Try these strategies:

[14] Take deep, slow breaths, and count to 10. Doing this helps slow your heart rate, relaxes your body, and distances you emotionally from the situation. If you're feeling really impatient, you might need to do a longer count, or do this several times.

[15] Impatience can cause you to tense your muscles involuntarily. So, consciously focus on relaxing your body. Again, take slow, deep breaths. Relax your muscles, from your toes up to the top of your head.

[16] Learn to manage your emotions. Remember, you have a choice in how you react in every situation. You can choose to be patient, or choose not to be: it's all up to you.

[17] Force yourself to slow down. Make yourself speak and move more slowly. It will appear to others as if you're calm – and, by "acting" patient, you can often "feel" more patient.

[18] Practice active listening and empathic listening. Make sure you give other people your full attention, and patiently plan your response to what they say.

  • active listening 积极倾听
  • empathic listening 同理倾听

[19] Remind yourself that your impatience rarely gets others to move faster – in fact, it can interfere with other people's ability to perform complex or highly-skilled work. All you're doing is creating more stress, which is completely unproductive.

[20] Try to talk yourself out of your impatient frame of mind. Remind yourself how silly it is that you're reacting this way. People often don't mind if a meeting is delayed, just as long as you let them know that you're running late in advance.

[21] If your impatience causes you to react in anger toward others, use anger management techniques to calm down.

[22] Some people become impatient because they're perfectionists. However, in addition to causing impatience, perfectionism can actually slow productivity and increase stress.

  • perfectionists n. 完美主义者

[23] Remember that, although many people are naturally patient, the rest of us need to practice patience for it to become a habit. Becoming more patient won't happen overnight, but do persist – it's so important!

  • persist  vt. 坚持

compile /kəm'paɪl/

vt. 收集; 编辑, 编制

tense /tens/

adj. 拉紧的;紧张的/ vt. 使拉紧;变得紧张

yell /jel/

n. 叫喊, 号叫

raise /reɪz/

vt. 举起; 增加; 提升

damage /'dæmɪdʒ/

vt. & vi. 损害, 毁坏

arrogant /'ærəg(ə)nt/

adj. 自大的,傲慢的

insensitive /ɪn'sensɪtɪv/

adj. 感觉迟钝的;不友好的

impulsive /ɪm'pʌlsɪv/

adj. (指人或人的行为)冲动的,易冲动的

bad temper 


persist /pə'sɪst/

vt. 坚持




How to Be Patient

Staying Calm Under Pressure

[1] Here's the problem: you're waiting for someone to finish compiling a report that you need for a meeting. Because of an issue that came up, you're already 15 minutes late.

[2] You can feel your body getting tense, and you're getting quite cross. You start sweating, and suddenly you yell at the person for being slow and putting you behind schedule. You can tell she's hurt, but you can't help it. She's making you late!

[3] Does this sound familiar? Many of us are impatient at times. Losing control of our patience hurts not only us, but those around us. Impatience raises our stress level and can even cause physical harm to our bodies. Being impatient can also damage relationships.

[4] In this article, we'll examine strategies that you can use to be more patient.

Why Practice Patience?

[5] Others often see impatient people as arrogant, insensitive, and impulsive. They can be viewed as poor decision makers, because they make quick judgements or interrupt people. Some people will even avoid impatient people, because of their poor people skills and bad tempers.

[6] People with these personality traits are unlikely to be at the top of the list for promotions to leadership positions. Impatience can even affect relationships at home.

[7] The more patient you are with others, the likelier you are to be viewed positively by your peers and your managers, not to mention your family and friends.

Signs of Impatience

[8] How do you know when you're being impatient? You will probably experience one of more of the following symptoms:

  • Shallow breathing (short breaths).
  • Muscle tension.
  • Hand clenching/tightening.
  • Jiggling/restless feet.
  • Irritability/anger.
  • Anxiety/nervousness.
  • Rushing.
  • Snap/quick decisions.

Finding Your Causes

[9] If you experience the symptoms of impatience, your next step is to discover the true cause. Many of us have "triggers." These could be people, phrases, or specific situations (like rush-hour traffic) that regularly cause us to enter an impatient frame of mind.

[10] Make a list of things that cause you to become impatient. If you're having trouble identifying your triggers, use these tips:

  • Stop and think about the last time you were impatient. What caused it? You can narrow this down to the root cause by using the 5 Whys technique.
  • Ask your family, friends, and co-workers about your impatience. Chances are that they know what gets you "wound up".
  • Many people become impatient due to physical factors such as hunger, dehydration, or fatigue. Analyze your body the next time you start to feel impatient. A simple remedy might be a snack and a glass of water!
  • Keep a journal with you to record when you start to feel impatient. Write down what the situation is, and why you're getting frustrated.

[11] Identifying your triggers helps because it forces you to examine your actions and uncover why you're doing what you're doing. This knowledge also helps you devise strategies to avoid becoming impatient.

[12] Of course, it would be great if you could avoid the triggers that make you impatient. But for most of us, that's just not possible. So you have to learn to manage impatience instead.

Managing the Symptoms

[13] When you feel impatient, it's important to get out of this frame of mind as quickly as possible. Try these strategies:

[14] Take deep, slow breaths, and count to 10. Doing this helps slow your heart rate, relaxes your body, and distances you emotionally from the situation. If you're feeling really impatient, you might need to do a longer count, or do this several times.

[15] Impatience can cause you to tense your muscles involuntarily. So, consciously focus on relaxing your body. Again, take slow, deep breaths. Relax your muscles, from your toes up to the top of your head.

[16] Learn to manage your emotions. Remember, you have a choice in how you react in every situation. You can choose to be patient, or choose not to be: it's all up to you.

[17] Force yourself to slow down. Make yourself speak and move more slowly. It will appear to others as if you're calm – and, by "acting" patient, you can often "feel" more patient.

[18] Practice active listening and empathic listening. Make sure you give other people your full attention, and patiently plan your response to what they say.

[19] Remind yourself that your impatience rarely gets others to move faster – in fact, it can interfere with other people's ability to perform complex or highly-skilled work. All you're doing is creating more stress, which is completely unproductive.

[20] Try to talk yourself out of your impatient frame of mind. Remind yourself how silly it is that you're reacting this way. People often don't mind if a meeting is delayed, just as long as you let them know that you're running late in advance.

[21] If your impatience causes you to react in anger toward others, use anger management techniques to calm down.

[22] Some people become impatient because they're perfectionists. However, in addition to causing impatience, perfectionism can actually slow productivity and increase stress.

[23] Remember that, although many people are naturally patient, the rest of us need to practice patience for it to become a habit. Becoming more patient won't happen overnight, but do persist – it's so important!
