- 注释版
- 纯净版
一.The Power of the Read-Aloud
By Joan Moser on March 6, 2015
Recently Kate DiCamillo, National Ambassador for Young People’s Literature, spoke about the power of reading aloud to students in our classrooms. Watching this compelling message reminded me again that there isn't one magic bullet for teaching every child to read. But Kate reminds us, when she reminisces about being whisked away to the Island of the Blue Dolphins as a second grader, that something magical happens when we read aloud to our students.
例:a frighteningly violent yet compelling film
例:I don't like reminiscing because it makes me feel old.
例:Some kinds of animals can whisk flies away with their tails.
But Kate reminds us, when she reminisces about being whisked away to the Island of the Blue Dolphins as a second grader, that something magical happens when we read aloud to our students.
分析:首先这句话里,先让我们扫除生词的障碍,reminisce,动词,表示回忆或者回忆说,后面一半加一个about;接下来,whisk这个词,它本身是有弹走/搅动/飞奔的意思,但是在这儿我们就要结合着语境来说了,be whisked away to,套用原词的意思就是飞奔到哪儿去,但是结合语境我们要理解到就是沉浸于这本书,the island of blue dolphins, 美国上世纪60年代的儿童文学作品,大家闲下来的时候也可以看一看,而且要给大家推荐一个挺好的系列丛书,就是小屁孩日记系列,读起来很有趣儿而且你也能看进去,词汇量也不难,对于你语言能力的输入是一个非常好的帮助个人是比较推荐的,网上有很多这本书的资料,大家动动手就可以搜到啊。Grader就是grade的变形,几年级的学生这么一个概念。接下来我们关注到整个句子结构,我们要有一个心理预判就是,逗号隔开的内容一般都是插入语,换句话说,它的位置是调整过的,所以我们把逗号里的内容都拿开,主句就出现了,kate reminds us that something magical happens when we read to our students. 你会发现这又有一个when引导的时间状语从句了,这个when we read to our students是remind us that后面的宾语从句里的定语从句,而刚才的逗号中间的when引导的句子是整个一句话的时间状语从句,这下我们就好理解了,当凯特回忆说她二年级的时候沉迷一本书时,她就提醒了我们,当我们给孩子读书的时候,神奇的事儿就发生了。
Knowing the importance of reading aloud to our students, I am puzzled when I hear teachers claim they don’t have time to read aloud to their children or, more frightening yet, are told that reading aloud to students isn't teaching and should not be part of the daily agenda. What's true is that we can't afford to ignore this powerful teaching opportunity that broadens student understanding of themselves, others, and the world, increases vocabulary, and helps to develop the vital second language that is found only in books.
puzzled ['pʌzld]:困惑的,茫然的
例:Critics remain puzzled by the election results.
agenda [ə'dʒɛndə]:议程,日程
例:This is sure to be an item on the agenda next week.
vital ['vaɪtl]:至关重要的,生死攸关的
例:The port is vital to supply relief to millions of drought victims.
What's true is that we can't afford to ignore this powerful teaching opportunity that broadens student understanding of themselves, others, and the world, increases vocabulary, and helps to develop the vital second language that is found only in books.
分析:这一句话很长,但开头的地方很明显,一看就是一个句型啊,what’s true is that….事实上是怎么一回事儿,类似于the truth is that,两个句型的that后面都是加一个宾语从句,给人一种解释说明,而且多多少少有转折那么个意思,这个句型大家要尝试着用一下,比如说,what’s true is that English is not to be learned, but to be used in our daily life. 实际上啊,这英语不是用来学的,是要在我们平时的日常生活中去用的。接着看,that后面的从句,其实我们也可以完全把后面的从句理解成这段话说想表达的中心思想。We can’t afford to do, 我们负担不起,其实就是我们不能够去怎么样,不能够ignore,忽略,忽略了这个powerful teaching opportunity. 这个opportunity后面又有一个that,来去修饰它了,broadens,increases和helps这三个词是并列,都是来修饰这个opportunity的。那么这三个动词之后的宾语也需要我们关注一下,broaden了学生的理解力,对于他们自己,他人还有这个世界的理解力。然后是增加词汇,最后是帮助发展一个vital second language, vital,至关重要的或者是性命攸关的,关于这个第二语言后面又有一个定于去修饰了,that is found only in books. 只会在书本上看到的非常重要的第二语言。回过来,这个vital,我们看一个例句,The port is vital to supply relief to millions of drought victims. 这个港口对于成千上万的旱灾受害者提供救济物资是至关重要的。
When we read aloud, we create a model for children of what readers look like, how they make sense of text, and how reading is as important to us as eating and breathing. Hearing text read aloud is all it takes to shift some of our students from being people who can read to people who want and love to read.
shift [ʃɪft]:移动,替换,变化/转化
例:He stopped, shifting his cane to his left hand.
Hearing text read aloud is all it takes to shift some of our students from being people who can read to people who want and love to read.
分析:主句的框架分析很重要,A is B,这就是主句的框架,A就是hearing动名词开头的一个短语,B就是all,但是all后面是有定语来修饰的。在讲all后面的定语从句之前,我们要了解一个句型,那就是it作为形式主语的句型,就像我们文中看到的那个,it takes sth to do sth. 这个巨型里,it没有实际的意义,后面的to do sth就是it 的内容,只是英语国家的人觉得我讲话的时候,to do bla bla说了一堆作主语太费劲,而且头重脚轻,句子结构不美,所以就找了一个it来代替做形式主语,真正的主语是后面的to do不定式,放在原文里就是to shift students from 怎么样to怎么样,把学生们改变,从仅仅是能够阅读的人变成想要阅读的人热爱阅读的人。所以,回过头看文中的句子,就应该是it takes all to shift,这个all就是hearing text read aloud, 那么问题又来了,hearing text听文章,听课文,这个可以理解,后面的read aloud是什么情况,注意它的读音,在这儿read是过去分词来修饰text,也就是被大声读出来的文章。所以这个句子大体的框架就是,听那些被大声读出来的文章就是想去干嘛所全部需要的了。
Because our students' listening levels are typically two years higher than their reading levels, reading aloud is an important part of increasing their reading levels. Steven L. Layne (2015) says, "When the text selected for read-aloud time has students 'listening up' one or two grade levels, teachers become the medium for exposing those students to more mature vocabulary, more complex literary devices, and more sophisticated sentence structures than they would be finding in the grade-level texts they could navigate on their own" (In Defense of Read-Aloud: Sustaining Best Practice, p. 55). Reading aloud is an important part of accelerating student achievement.
例:You will learn what to expect as your child matures physically.
例:Ethan, the guy from English for all, can usually bring us in-depth coverage of today's complex issues.
例:The recording device has activated.
例:Claude was a charming, sophisticated companion.
例:When travelling on fast roads at night it is impossible to drive and navigate at the same time.
例:Growth will accelerate to 2.9 percent next year.
When the text selected for read-aloud time has students 'listening up' one or two grade levels, teachers become the medium for exposing those students to more mature vocabulary, more complex literary devices, and more sophisticated sentence structures than they would be finding in the grade-level texts they could navigate on their own
分析:这一句话确实是冗长复杂的,我们一起来吧句子结构分析出来。主句的大框架就是,当什么怎么样的时候,老师就变成了一个媒介。When引导的条件状语从句中,主语是the text selected for read-aloud time,selected,分词做后置定语来修饰the text,被精选出来用于朗读的文章。接下来,这个条件状语从句中的主框架是,have sb doing sth,在这儿我们就要简单学习一下have sb do/have sb doing以及have sb done之间的区别用法了。首先要理解到这个句型里都存在一个使什么东西做了或者是被做这么一个语境。Do和doing都是主动的状态,也就是说sb发出了这个动作,而done与sb的关系则是被动的,我们来看三个不同的例子。第一个,he has his hair cut, 这个cut是过去分词,而且公式里的sb变成了his hair,头发只能被剪,它不可能去发出这个剪的动作。第二个例子,the boss often has them work for 14 hours a day. 老板让他们工作14个小时,这个work的动作是them发出来的,因为后面有一个for 14 hours,也就说明这个一个完整的可持续的状态。第三个例子,don’t have the baby crying, 不要让孩子哭了,crying这个动作的发出者是baby,而且这个例子强调的是那个孩子正在哭,是此时此刻的动作,是动作正在进行中。那么接下来我们回过头,看文中句子,have students listening up one or two grade levels. listen up,其实在口语中比较常见,吸引注意力的口头语,“听好啦”这么一个感觉,我们给一个例句看一下,hey huys, listen up, I have something important to announce. 嘿,同志们,听好了,我有些重要的事儿要说。但是在文中,学生们去听高出一到两个年纪的课文水平,那个up就是向上/往上的意思。接下来看主句,老师们就变成了一个媒介,for表目的,这个媒介是要expose students to sth, 把学生曝光给什么东西,引申理解就是要让学生更多的接触到什么,接下来就是一个more…than…的大句型,我们就翻译为是什么,而不是什么。Mature,complex,sophisticated,这三个词要了解,mature成熟的,长大的;complex,复杂的,它也可以做名词表示复合体或者综合设施,你比如说residential building complex, 就是住宿小区的这么一个概念。最后的sophisticated,表示的是富有经验的,老道的,也可以去表示复杂精密的仪器或者是系统之类的。回过来,device这个词,你一般可能会理解为,设备仪器之类的,但是他还表示方法,等同于method这么一个概念。Than后面的句子就简单了,你只要明白they could navigate是后置定语来修饰the text就好了,在这儿这个navigate要理解为掌握的了的,把控的了的这么一个概念。
If we want our readers to grow, we must read to them, and we must read to them well. It isn't just a practice with a strong research base, but one that is enjoyable and richly rewarding for both ourselves and our audiences.
例:There’s nothing more rewarding than putting smiles on the faces around you.
Ah yes, the power of a read-aloud!
二.The Power of Reading Out Loud
By David Recine on February 3, 2016
Reading out loud gets an unfair reputation. A lot of people see it as something you do when you’re a kid… or something you only do with kids, if you’re reading a story to small children. The truth is, there’s a lot of educational value in reading out loud, even for adult learners.
Read out loud for deeper understanding of the language
Reading out loud can deepen your understanding of English. A word has many different levels of meaning—its grammar, its literal definition, its connotation, and yes—its sound. When you’re able to hear English in your head as you read, you have a truly complete understanding of the words you’re reading. And one of the best ways to build that skill is to read the words out loud.
connotation [,kɑnə'teʃən]:含蓄,隐含意义
例:It's just one of those words that's got so many negative connotations.
Complete [kəm'plit]:完整的;彻底的
例:The rebels had taken complete control.
Reading out loud is not just for beginner-level English learners. It can also help skilled English readers comprehend dense, challenging texts. When I was in graduate school, my linguistics study group and I would often get together and read our challenging textbooks out loud. It really helped us fully understand the course material. And it was a student from Japan who first suggested we do this. Through reading aloud, she had managed to master English academic texts at a graduate level!
comprehend [,kɑmprɪ'hɛnd]:理解
例:I just cannot comprehend your attitude.
It really helped us fully understand the course material. And it was a student from Japan who first suggested we do this.
分析:第一句话很好理解,帮助谁理解了什么,help sb do sth, 但是我要强调两个点,第一个是help sb do sth,没问题,但是,英美人士也是会说help sb to do sth的,这是一个大bug,我小时候跟着我的老师学英语它就是叫我们必须是help sb do sth, 一定要省了to,但事实上这并不是必须的。另一个点就是,understand这个词以后就尽量不要用啦,因为在同一段落中还有另一个很酷的词,叫comprehend,用法意思和understand完全一样,但逼格略高,要用,一定要用。第二句话,有意思了,这是个强调句型啊,it is +sb+who+怎么怎么样了,是谁怎么怎么样了,是一个来自日本的姑娘最早建议我们这么做的,suggest that + 省去了should情态动词的句子,所以你会看到suggest we do this. 那其实是有一个情态动词should的,但是省去了。要明白这个点。
Read out loud to test your language ability
Recently, I did a read-aloud activity with a Peruvian ESL student of mine. I had her read a passage from John Steinbeck’s novel The Pearl out loud. Her pronunciation was fairly good, but she admitted to me that she’d discovered a problem. When she read The Pearl silently, she understood everything she was reading. But when she read out loud, she had to focus so carefully on her pronunciation that she couldn’t focus at all on meaning. She got to the end of the passage without really understanding anything she’d read.
Through this exercise, my student was able to realize that she needed to become more comfortable with pronunciation. Even though her pronunciation was good, the act of pronouncing English well put a lot of mental strain on her and affected her overall performance. She also realized she needed to understand her readings more automatically, so she could pay some attention to her pronunciation without losing all focus on the meaning of the words on the page.
Perhaps most obviously, reading out loud makes for a great pronunciation diagnostic. Read a passage out loud to a tutor or teacher, and they can help you catch your most common mistakes as they happen. But you can also check your pronunciation ability through self-study—just find a book that also has an audiobook version. Read the text out loud and compare your pronunciation to that in the recording. You can buy paired books and audiobooks on websites like Amazon.com. But there’s also free text/audiobook bundles on the Web, such as the set of text/audio American classic novels offered on the American English at State website.
strain [stren]:压力,负担
例:She was tired and under great strain.
Even though her pronunciation was good, the act of pronouncing English well put a lot of mental strain on her and affected her overall performance.
分析:这个句子不算难啊,even though引导的一个让步状语从句,尽管怎么样,但是怎么样,主句的主框架是the act put 什么on her and affected 什么东西,什么样的the act呢,of pronouncing English well,把英语发音发好的的这一举动,put a lot of mental strain on her, 给她带来了很多思想压力,affected,影响到了整体表现,overall performance。
Read out loud to improve your writing
Nothing’s harder than correcting your own writing mistakes. People have a natural tendency to skim things they themselves have written, accidentally skipping words and other details. It’s easy to just glance at a sentence you already wrote, and not notice a small spelling mistake, grammar error, etc….
Carefully reading something you’ve written out loud forces you to really pay attention to every single word. This kind of deeper, more attentive reading allows you to spot mistakes in your writing that you’d otherwise miss. It also gives you a better understanding of how your writing will “sound” in the minds of your readers. In this way, you can catch the small mistakes bad detect broader changes that can make your writing flow more smoothly.
tendency ['tɛndənsi]:倾向,趋势
例:He is spoiled, arrogant and has a tendency toward snobbery.
skim [skɪm]:略读,浏览
例:He skimmed the pages quickly, then read them again more carefully.
Attentive [ə'tɛntɪv]:注意的,留意的;体贴的
例:He wishes the government would be more attentive to detail in their response.
spot [spɑt]:发现
例:Vicenzo failed to spot the error.
In this way, you can catch the small mistakes bad detect broader changes that can make your writing flow more smoothly.
分析:这个句子,你不论看多少遍你都会觉得看着怪怪的,好想读懂了但有分析不出来这个句子语法点在哪儿,那是因为原刊上印刷错误,那个bad应该是and,我在给daisy小姐姐提交文章的时候,刻意地保留了这个错误,就是想给大家一个小建议,那就是不论何时何地,都要保有一种敢于质疑的态度,没有绝对的权威和真理,每一个人都在不断的进步不断的学习当中,就像我的微信签名写的那样blessed and audacious; modest and gracious. 那么会过来,这句话中的几个知识点,我还是要再提醒一下的。Detect,这是个动词,察觉/发现这么一个概念,你要知道detective,虽然结尾是ive,但它是一个名词,侦探。Flow这个词特别好,表示飘或者流的感觉,文中就是写作更流畅的意思了。
本次的阅读选取个两个短小精悍的文章组合而成,核心的思想即是“阅读治百病”,但回过头来,我们要明白“阅”和“读”是分开的两种不同的学习应用方式。Read a book,这叫“阅”,即看书;read a book aloud,这叫“读”,即发声朗读。
一.The Power of the Read-Aloud
By Joan Moser on March 6, 2015
[1] Recently Kate DiCamillo, National Ambassador for Young People’s Literature, spoke about the power of reading aloud to students in our classrooms. Watching this compelling message reminded me again that there isn't one magic bullet for teaching every child to read. But Kate reminds us, when she reminisces about being whisked away to the Island of the Blue Dolphins as a second grader, that something magical happens when we read aloud to our students.
[2] Knowing the importance of reading aloud to our students, I am puzzled when I hear teachers claim they don’t have time to read aloud to their children or, more frightening yet, are told that reading aloud to students isn't teaching and should not be part of the daily agenda. What's true is that we can't afford to ignore this powerful teaching opportunity that broadens student understanding of themselves, others, and the world, increases vocabulary, and helps to develop the vital second language that is found only in books.
[3] When we read aloud, we create a model for children of what readers look like, how they make sense of text, and how reading is as important to us as eating and breathing. Hearing text read aloud is all it takes to shift some of our students from being people who can read to people who want and love to read.
[4] Because our students' listening levels are typically two years higher than their reading levels, reading aloud is an important part of increasing their reading levels. Steven L. Layne (2015) says, "When the text selected for read-aloud time has students 'listening up' one or two grade levels, teachers become the medium for exposing those students to more mature vocabulary, more complex literary devices, and more sophisticated sentence structures than they would be finding in the grade-level texts they could navigate on their own" (In Defense of Read-Aloud: Sustaining Best Practice, p. 55). Reading aloud is an important part of accelerating student achievement.
[5] If we want our readers to grow, we must read to them, and we must read to them well. It isn't just a practice with a strong research base, but one that is enjoyable and richly rewarding for both ourselves and our audiences.
[6] Ah yes, the power of a read-aloud!
二.The Power of Reading Out Loud
By David Recine on February 3, 2016
[1] Reading out loud gets an unfair reputation. A lot of people see it as something you do when you’re a kid… or something you only do with kids, if you’re reading a story to small children. The truth is, there’s a lot of educational value in reading out loud, even for adult learners.
Read out loud for deeper understanding of the language
[2] Reading out loud can deepen your understanding of English. A word has many different levels of meaning—its grammar, its literal definition, its connotation, and yes—its sound. When you’re able to hear English in your head as you read, you have a truly complete understanding of the words you’re reading. And one of the best ways to build that skill is to read the words out loud.
[3] Reading out loud is not just for beginner-level English learners. It can also help skilled English readers comprehend dense, challenging texts. When I was in graduate school, my linguistics study group and I would often get together and read our challenging textbooks out loud. It really helped us fully understand the course material. And it was a student from Japan who first suggested we do this. Through reading aloud, she had managed to master English academic texts at a graduate level!
Read out loud to test your language ability
[4] Recently, I did a read-aloud activity with a Peruvian ESL student of mine. I had her read a passage from John Steinbeck’s novel The Pearl out loud. Her pronunciation was fairly good, but she admitted to me that she’d discovered a problem. When she read The Pearl silently, she understood everything she was reading. But when she read out loud, she had to focus so carefully on her pronunciation that she couldn’t focus at all on meaning. She got to the end of the passage without really understanding anything she’d read.
[5] Through this exercise, my student was able to realize that she needed to become more comfortable with pronunciation. Even though her pronunciation was good, the act of pronouncing English well put a lot of mental strain on her and affected her overall performance. She also realized she needed to understand her readings more automatically, so she could pay some attention to her pronunciation without losing all focus on the meaning of the words on the page.
[6] Perhaps most obviously, reading out loud makes for a great pronunciation diagnostic. Read a passage out loud to a tutor or teacher, and they can help you catch your most common mistakes as they happen. But you can also check your pronunciation ability through self-study—just find a book that also has an audiobook version. Read the text out loud and compare your pronunciation to that in the recording. You can buy paired books and audiobooks on websites like Amazon.com. But there’s also free text/audiobook bundles on the Web, such as the set of text/audio American classic novels offered on the American English at State website.
Read out loud to improve your writing
[7] Nothing’s harder than correcting your own writing mistakes. People have a natural tendency to skim things they themselves have written, accidentally skipping words and other details. It’s easy to just glance at a sentence you already wrote, and not notice a small spelling mistake, grammar error, etc….
[8] Carefully reading something you’ve written out loud forces you to really pay attention to every single word. This kind of deeper, more attentive reading allows you to spot mistakes in your writing that you’d otherwise miss. It also gives you a better understanding of how your writing will “sound” in the minds of your readers. In this way, you can catch the small mistakes bad detect broader changes that can make your writing flow more smoothly.